Dates :
Event Date : Sunday, November 16, 2014
Registration Dates : Sunday, September 14, 2014 ~ Saturday, November 8, 2014
Event Info

Fight number and fight start time


09:20 am: Doors Open (会場入場時間 AM.09:20~)

Matt. A,B,  (2F)

01~10 - AM.10:00~
11~20 - AM.10:40~
21~30 - AM.11:20~
31~40 - PM.12:00~
41~50 - PM.13:00~
51~60 - PM.14:00~
61~70 - PM.15:00~
71~80 - PM.15:30~
81~90 - PM.16:30~
91~   - PM.17:00~



Spot Limited to 200 competidor!!!


  1. Registration deadline: november/10/2014
  2. Athetes who requested a change category: november/11/2014  
  3. Registration checkday: november/12/2014
  4. Schedule release date: november/13/2014
  5. Brackets release date: november/13/2014
    1. Dumau : 080-3716-9767

    2. email: edisonbjj@gmail.com




Location :
Name Taito River Side Sports Center
Address : Tokyo Tokyo Taito-ku Imado 1-1-10
Map :
View Larger Map
URL : http://www.taitocity.net/taito/riverside/
Registration Info :
  • We will not accept registrations after the registration end date
  • The registration deadline can be closed before the registration end date if the number of fighters exceed the total number allowed
Registration Fees :
  • * The money must arrive until the day specified otherwise the registration will be cancelled (The registration is considered completed only after the registration fee payment)
  • Registration fee refund: only if there are no opponents in your category. There will be no refund in case of: disqualification, weight disqualification, you came late or not coming to the event
Age Divisions
Division Age Birth Year
JUVENILE 16 ~ 17 2008 ~ 2009
Adult 18 ~ 29 1996 ~ 2007
Master 30 ~ 35 1990 ~ 1995
Senior 1 36 ~ 40 1985 ~ 1989
Senior 2 41~ ~1984
Belt Divisions
Age Belt
White Blue Purple Brown Black

Weight Divisions
MALE Female
Adult, Master, Senior JUVENILE Adult, Master, Senior JUVENILE
Rooster ~57.5Kg ~53.50Kg ~48.5Kg ~44.3Kg
Light Feather ~64.0Kg ~58.5Kg ~53.5Kg ~48.3Kg
Feather ~70.0Kg ~64.0Kg ~58.5Kg ~52.5Kg
Light ~76.0Kg ~69.0Kg ~64.0Kg ~56.5Kg
Middle ~82.3Kg ~74.0Kg ~69.0Kg ~60.5Kg
Medium Heavy ~88.3Kg ~79.3Kg ~74.0Kg ~65.0Kg
Heavy ~94.3Kg ~84.3Kg 74.0Kg~ ~69.0Kg
Super Heavy ~100.5Kg ~89.3Kg - ~73.0Kg
Ultra Heavy 100.5Kg~ 89.3Kg~ - 73.0Kg~
Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight