Dates :
Event Date : Sunday, May 22, 2016
Registration Dates : Wednesday, March 9, 2016 ~ Monday, April 18, 2016


Event Info


Fight number and fight start time

# Check bracket your fight number

09:30 am: Doors Open (会場入場時間 AM.09:30~)

Matt. A,B,C,D,E,F

01~10 - AM.10:30~
11~20 - AM.11:30~
21~30 - PM.12:30~
31~40 - AM.13:30~
41~50 - PM.14:30~
51~60 - PM.15:30~
61~70 - PM.16:30~
71~     - PM.17:00~


Full Capacity
Registration closed!!!

New schedulle

  1. Last day to request correction: May /09/2016
  2. Registration check day: May /10/2016
  3. Schedule release day: May /20/2016
  4. Brackets release day: May /20/2016
  5. Last day to request cancel or refund: May/ 09/ 2016


Team Point:
Gold 5
Silver 3
Bronze 1


All category:
# Juvenille
# Adult
# Master


Registration Dates:

Early registration: 
                         Weight Category ₩40,000 (Korea Won) until march 25th, 2016
Weight Category & Open Weight  ₩50,000 (Korea Won) until march 25th, 2016

                            Weight Category $34.00 (USD) until march 25th, 2016
Weight Category & Open Weight   $42.00 (USD) until march 25th, 2016


Normal registration days:
                          Weight Category ₩50,000 (Korea Won)  until april 20th, 2016
Weight Category & Open Weight  ₩60,000 (Korea Won)  until april 20th, 2016

                          Weight Category $42.00 (USD) until april 20th, 2016
Weight Category & Open Weight   $50.00 (USD) until april 20th, 2016


Final registration:                         
                          Weight Category ₩60,000 (Korea Won)  until may 16th, 2016
Weight Category & Open Weight  ₩70,000 (Korea Won) until may 16th, 2016

                           Weight Category $50.00 (USD) until may 16th, 2016
Weight Category & Open Weight   $59.00 (USD) until may 16th, 2016


Payment Methods:

When sending the payment by bank transfer, put the registration number in front of your name, ex: 1365JohnSmith,



KEB 외환은행 620-253095-487



  • Bank: Korea Exchange Bank (Korea)
  • Branch: Shincheon
  • Sift Code: KOEXKRSE
  • Account Number:650-010280-636
  • Account Holder:Yongwon Choi
  • Registration fees transfer in USD
  1. Registration deadline: May /16/2016 (Full Capacity registration closed!!!)
  2. Last day to correction: May /09/2016
  3. Registration check day: May /10/2016
  4. Schedule release day: May /20/2016
  5. Brackets release day: May /20/2016


  1. Final Check Date (Important):

    May 09th is the last day to check the registration. All athletes and instructors must check the fighters list.
    Those without oponents in your division must contact us for change of division
    The brackets will be generated following the list of registered fighters and the awards will be given only for those registered and on the brackets, so the check is obligatory for everyone

    Changes to your registration:

    E-mail changes to 
    Please be sure to include the tournament name, your name, and the necessary changes in the email.
    The deadline for changes is  May 09th, no changes will be made after the deadline
    1. Asian Sport Jiu Jitsu Federation : 080-3716-9767

    2. email:



Location :
Name Dongdaemun Cult park
Address : 40-3 Euljiro 5(o)-ga、Jung-gu, Seoul
Registration Info :
  • We will not accept registrations after the registration end date
  • The registration deadline can be closed before the registration end date if the number of fighters exceed the total number allowed
Registration Fees :
  • * The money must arrive until the day specified otherwise the registration will be cancelled (The registration is considered completed only after the registration fee payment)
  • Registration fee refund: only if there are no opponents in your category. There will be no refund in case of: disqualification, weight disqualification, you came late or not coming to the event
Age Divisions
Division Age Birth Year
JUVENILE 16 ~ 17 2008 ~ 2009
Adult 18 ~ 29 1996 ~ 2007
Master 30 ~ ~ 1995
Belt Divisions
Age Belt
White Blue Purple Brown Black

Adult Weight Divisions
MALE Female
Adult, Master JUVENILE Adult, Master JUVENILE
Rooster ~58.0Kg - ~49.0Kg -
Light Feather ~64.0Kg ~54.5Kg ~54.5Kg ~52.0Kg
Feather ~70.0Kg ~61.2Kg ~61.0Kg ~59.0Kg
Light ~76.0Kg ~68.0Kg ~68.0Kg ~65.7Kg
Middle ~82.0Kg ~75.0Kg ~74.8Kg ~72.5Kg
Medium Heavy ~88.0Kg ~81.5Kg 74.8Kg~ 72.5Kg~
Heavy ~94.0Kg ~88.5Kg - -
Super Heavy ~100.0Kg 88.5Kg~ - -
Ultra Heavy 100.0Kg~ - - -
Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight