Event Date : | Saturday, April 20, 2019 |
Registration Dates : | Friday, February 1, 2019 ~ Wednesday, April 10, 2019 |
Please check your match and mat number in bracket, Also must check match start time too
8:00 am: Doors Open
8:30 am: Start weight-in
9:00 am: Start of Match
Matches may start 30 minutes in advance. Athletes should be in the warm up area at least 40 minutes prior to the time assigned for his or her division on the schedule.
Mat. 1,2,3,4
Match01~Match10 - AM.09:00~
Match11~Match20 - AM.10:00~
Match21~Match30 - PM.11:00~
Match31~Match40 - PM.12:00~
Match41~Match50 - PM.13:00~
Match51~Match60 - PM.14:00~
Match61~Match70 - PM.15:00~
Match71~Match80 - PM.16:00~
Match81~Match90 - PM.17:00~
Match91~ - PM.18:00~
Aviso aos atletas.
Ja foram feita todas as chaves, nao sera permitido fazer a troca ou cancelameto das lutas.
Desde ja, agradecemos a compreensao de todos.
All category: 所有的类别:
# Kids 儿童
# Juvenille 青少年
# Adult 成人
# Master 大师
Registration Dates: 登记日期:
Regular registration days: 定期登记:
February 01 - March 10 : Weight category RMB 300 (Chinese RMB) 2月1日- 3月10日:体重300元(人民币)
Weight category & Open Weight RMB 350 (Chinese RMB) 重量类别及开放重量350元人民币(人民币)
Final registration: 最后登记:
March 11 - April 10: Weight category RMB 350 (Chinese RMB) 3月11日- 4月10日:重量类别350元(人民币)
Weight category & Open Weight RMB 400 (Chinese RMB) 重量类别及开放重量400元人民币(人民币)
Payment Methods:付款方法:
When sending the payment by bank transfer, put the registration number in front of your name, ex: 1365JohnSmith
please send email to edisonbjj@gmail.com to payment fees details 请将邮件发送到
Wechat 微信
- ID: 18917846755
Alipay 支付宝
- ID: 18917846755
Contact 联系
- Tel. 电话号码 18917846755
- e-mail: 电子邮件 183429059@qq.com
- Registration deadline: 报名截止日期 April/10/2019
- Last day to correction: 最后一天更正 April/13/2019
- Registration check day: 登记日 April/13/2019
- Schedule release day: 计划发行日期 April/18/2019
- Brackets release day: J对阵表发行日期 April/18/2019
Final Check Date (Important):
April 13rd is the last day to check the registration. All athletes and instructors must check the fighters list.
Those without oponents in your division must contact us for change of division
The brackets will be generated following the list of registered fighters and the awards will be given only for those registered and on the brackets, so the check is obligatory for everyone
Changes to your registration:更改你的注册:
Please be sure to include the tournament name, your name, and the necessary changes in the email.
The deadline for changes is April 13rd, no changes will be made after the deadline
Wan kai 王凯 : 18917846755
Sport Jiu Jitsu China Federation: 柔道运动中国联合会 +86-18917846755
email: 电子邮件183429059@qq.com
***所有参赛者必须穿着合适的服装(有道服比赛请穿着道服,无道服比赛请穿着紧身衣和短裤) 。
*注册期间提供的任何虚假信息(例如但不限于DOB)可能导致被立即取消资格。此类行为可能会导致您被 SJJCFF以后的比赛中取消比赛资格。
*如果您的对阵表中没有对手,您可以在注册最后检查日期以前联系 183429059@qq.com,并要求更改您的注册组别。SJJCF不向您保证您想要更改的分组在比赛当天会有另一个比赛对手。
* SJJCF保留在报名人数已满时或在指定的比赛报名截止日当天(以先到者为准)停止注册的权利。
* 运动员有责任了解与运动相关的规则和指南(如SJJCF规则手册中所述)。
Name | 3F, A11, Dali Guangfo Zhicheng, Nanhai district,Foshan City, Guangdong |
Address : | 3F, A11, Dali Guangfo Zhicheng, Nanhai district,Foshan City, Guangdong |
- We will not accept registrations after the registration end date
- The registration deadline can be closed before the registration end date if the number of fighters exceed the total number allowed
- * The money must arrive until the day specified otherwise the registration will be cancelled (The registration is considered completed only after the registration fee payment)
- Registration fee refund: only if there are no opponents in your category. There will be no refund in case of: disqualification, weight disqualification, you came late or not coming to the event
- ID:18917846755
- ID: 18917846755
Rank | 1st Place | 2nd Place | 3rd Place |
ASJJF ASIAN JIU JITSU RANKING 2019 | 7.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 |
ASJJF CHINA JIU JITSU RANKING 2019 | 7.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 |
Age | Min / Max Age | Birth year | Belt |
Toddler | 4 ~ 5 | 2020 ~ 2021 | White , Grey |
Kindergarten | 6 ~ 7 | 2018 ~ 2019 | White , Grey , Yellow |
Youth | 8 ~ 9 | 2016 ~ 2017 | White , Grey , Yellow , Orange |
Pre Teen | 10 ~ 11 | 2014 ~ 2015 | White , Grey , Yellow , Orange , Green |
Junior Teen | 12 ~ 13 | 2012 ~ 2013 | White , Grey , Yellow , Orange , Green |
Teen | 14 ~ 15 | 2010 ~ 2011 | White , Grey , Yellow , Orange , Green |
JUVENILE | 16 ~ 17 | 2008 ~ 2009 | White , Blue , Purple |
Adult | 18 ~ 29 | 1996 ~ 2007 | White , Blue , Purple , Brown , Black |
MASTER 1 | 30 ~ 35 | 1990 ~ 1995 | White , Blue , Purple , Brown , Black |
MASTER 2 | 36 ~ 40 | 1985 ~ 1989 | White , Blue , Purple , Brown , Black |
Age | Min / Max Age | Birth year | Belt |
Toddler | 4 ~ 5 | 2020 ~ 2021 | White , Grey |
Kindergarten | 6 ~ 7 | 2018 ~ 2019 | White , Grey , Yellow |
Youth | 8 ~ 9 | 2016 ~ 2017 | White , Grey , Yellow , Orange |
Pre Teen | 10 ~ 11 | 2014 ~ 2015 | White , Grey , Yellow , Orange , Green |
Junior Teen | 12 ~ 13 | 2012 ~ 2013 | White , Grey , Yellow , Orange , Green |
Teen | 14 ~ 15 | 2010 ~ 2011 | White , Grey , Yellow , Orange , Green |
JUVENILE | 16 ~ 17 | 2008 ~ 2009 | White , Blue , Purple |
Adult | 18 ~ 29 | 1996 ~ 2007 | White , Blue , Purple , Brown , Black |
MASTER 1 | 30 ~ 35 | 1990 ~ 1995 | White , Blue , Purple , Brown , Black |
MALE | Female | |||
Adult, Master | JUVENILE | Adult, Master | JUVENILE | |
Rooster | ~57.6Kg | - | ~48.5Kg | ~47.6kg |
Light Feather | ~64.0Kg | ~54.4Kg | ~54.4Kg | ~52.2Kg |
Feather | ~70.0Kg | ~61.2Kg | ~61.2Kg | ~59.0Kg |
Light | ~76.0Kg | ~68.0Kg | ~68.0Kg | ~65.8Kg |
Middle | ~82.1Kg | ~74.8Kg | ~74.8Kg | ~72.6Kg |
Medium Heavy | ~88.2Kg | ~81.6Kg | ~81.6Kg | 72.6Kg~ |
Heavy | ~94.1Kg | ~88.5Kg | 81.6kg~ | - |
Super Heavy | ~100.2Kg | 88.5Kg~ | - | - |
Ultra Heavy | 100.2Kg~ | - | - | - |
Male, Female | ||||||
Toddler | Kindergarten | Youth | Pre Teen | Junior Teen | Teen | |
Rooster | ~17.7kg | ~20.4kg | ~22.7kg | ~27.2kg | ~31.8kg | ~45.4kg |
Light Feather | ~20.0kg | ~22.7kg | ~27.2kg | ~31.8kg | ~37.6kg | ~51.3kg |
Feather | ~22.2kg | ~27.2kg | ~31.8kg | ~36.3kg | ~44.0kg | ~57.2kg |
Light | ~24.5kg | ~31.8kg | ~36.3kg | ~40.8kg | ~50.3kg | ~63.0kg |
Middle | ~26.8kg | ~36.3kg | ~40.8kg | ~45.4kg | ~56.7kg | ~68.9kg |
Medium Heavy | 26.8kg~ | 36.3kg~ | ~45.4kg | ~49.9kg | ~63.0kg | ~74.8kg |
Heavy | - | - | ~49.9kg | ~54.4kg | ~69.4kg | ~80.7kg |
Super Heavy | - | - | 49.9kg~ | ~59.0kg | ~74.8kg | ~86.6kg |
Ultra Heavy | - | - | - | 59.0kg~ | 74.8kg~ | 86.6kg~ |