Event Date : | Sunday, June 30, 2019 |
Registration Dates : | Friday, February 1, 2019 ~ Saturday, June 22, 2019 |
Asian Sport Jiu Jitsu Federation Inc. Association
Please check your match and mat number in bracket, Also must check match start time too
09:00 am: Doors Open (会場入場時間 AM.09:00~)
weight in before first mach
Matches may start 30 minutes in advance. Athletes should be in the warm up area at least 40 minutes prior to the time assigned for his or her division on the schedule.
Mat. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
Match01~Match10 - AM.09:30~
Match11~Match20 - AM.10:30~
Match21~Match30 - AM.11:30~
Match31~Match40 - PM.12:30~
Match41~Match50 - PM.13:30~
Match51~Match60 - PM.14:30~
Match61~Match70 - PM.15:30~
Match71~Match80 - PM.16:30~
Match81~ - PM.17:00~
Aviso aos atletas.
Ja foram feita todas as chaves, nao sera permitido fazer a troca ou cancelameto das lutas.
Desde ja, agradecemos a compreensao de todos.
Team Point:
Gold 7
Silver 3
Bronze 1
All category:
# Juvenille
# Adult
# Master1
# Master2
Registration Dates:
Early registration payment by Bank:
Weight Category ₩40,000 (Korea Won) until april 20th, 2019
Weight Category & Open Weight ₩50,000 (Korea Won) until april 20th, 2019
Early registration payment by Paypal:
Weight Category USD40 until april 20th, 2019
Weight Category & Open Weight USD50 until april 20h, 2019
Regular registration days payment by Bank:
Weight Category ₩50,000 (Korea Won) until june 20th, 2019
Weight Category & Open Weight ₩60,000 (Korea Won) until june 20th, 2019
Regular registration days payment by Paypal:
Weight Category USD50 until june 20th, 2019
Weight Category & Open Weight USD60 until june 20th, 2019
은행이체 (4월 20일까지):
체급 40000원
체급&오픈 50000원
Paypal (4월 20일까지):
체급 40달러
체급&오픈 50달러
은행이체 (4월 21일 부터 6월 20일까지)
체급 50000원
체급&오픈 60000원
Paypal (4월 21일부터 6월 20일까지)
체급 50달러
체급&오픈 60달러
Bank Payment Methods:
When sending the payment by bank transfer, put the registration number in front of your name, ex: 1365JohnSmith,
※입금하실때 이벤트 번호(Event Registration Number) 뒤에 네자리와 이름을 기입하여 보내주시기 바랍니다. 예) 이벤트 번호가 12345이고 이름이 홍길동이면 2345홍길동 이렇게 기입하여 보내주시면 됩니다.
KEB 하나은행 114-910242-52407 최용원
- Registration deadline: June/20/2019
- Athlete correction deadline: June/23/2019
Day to request cancel registration and refund : June/26/2019
(we only refund those athletes with no opponents in their division) - Registration checkday: June/23/2019
- Organizer´s correction day: June/26/2019
- Schedule release date: June/27/2019
- Brackets release date: June/27/2019
Final Check Date (Important):
June 23rd is the last day to check the registration. All athletes and instructors must check the fighters list.
Those without oponents in your division must contact us for change of division
The brackets will be generated following the list of registered fighters and the awards will be given only for those registered and on the brackets, so the check is obligatory for everyone
Final Date for checking and correction:
* June 23 is the last day to check your registration. All athletes, coaches, and instructors are required to check the fighters list for any possible changes needed.
* If you have no opponent in your division, please contact us for a change of division or you will automatically receive a medal. No refunds will be made if you failed to contact us.
* Fighters’ list is official and it will be used to generate the brackets. Please be sure to check your details in the fighters’ list before the final deadline. Further, awards will only be given to those who are listed in the brackets so please check accordingly.
Changes to your registration:
- Email your changes to: edisonbjj@gmail.com
Email your changes to: bullyboychoi@gmail.com
Phone 080-3716-9767 (Japan phone number)
Phone 010-4116-9827 (Korea phone number)
- Please be sure to include the following
> Fighter’s name
> Tournament Name
> Necessary Corrections
- Make sure the subject on the email is “Corrections”
Refund Policy:
The registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
Exemption: Athletes who are alone in their bracket are eligible to receive a full refund of the registration fee if they contact: bullyboychoi@gmail.com
and request to withdraw their name from the competition prior to the end of the appointed event registration check day.
Conduct at the winnner´s podium:
We ask your understanding and cooperation in fallowing these standard in the upcoming tournament:
*** All competitors must be in proper uniform (full Gi for Gi competitions or rash guard and shorts for NO-GI competitions).
*** Banners are not permitted at the podium
*** Athletes who place in 1st, 2nd and 3rd in their division will receive a medal at the event. All the medals should be picked up at the event's podium.
Rules and Requirements for joining the event:
* Any athlete who has proven to be a black belt in judo,has fought MMA professionally, has an amateur MMA record or has proven experience in wrestling, Olimpic wrestling or greco-Roman wrestling, can not participate in any league as a white belt. Proven experience in the U.S. consists of having competed at the collegiate level or highter and in other countries,having competed in nationwide events.
* Matches may start 30 minutes in advance. Athletes should be in the warm up area at least 40 minutes prior to the time assigned for his or her division on the schedule.
* It is mandatory to have an official government photo ID at all times.
* The official weight measurements of this event is in KILOGRAMS.
* All athletes must be affiliated with a black belt. Your head black belt can be in a different location/country, what’s important is you and the team that you are representing is properly recognized by the head instructor.
* We reserve the right to check your affiliation. Failure to provide any means to contact your head instructor will not be accepted into the event.
* All athletes must bring a valid ID on the event day. We reserve the right to randomly check IDs for verification purposes
* Athletes who place in 1st, 2nd and 3rd in their division will receive a medal at the event. All the medals should be picked up at the event's podium.
* Any false information provided during registration such as, but not limited to, DOB, may lead to immediate disqualification. Such actions are subject to suspension or even banishment from future ASJJF events.
* If you are alone in your bracket you can contact bullyboychoi@gmail.com till the day before registration check day and request a change on your registration. ASJJF does not guarantee that the division you want to be moved to will have another competitor at the day of the event.
* ASJJF reserves the right to close registration when we reach full capacity, or on the day of the appointed event registration deadline, whichever comes first.
* It is the responsibility of the athlete to be knowledgeable of the rules and guidelines pertaining to the sport (as outlined in the ASJJF Rules Book).
* We strongly suggest that athlete registration is finalized before making any travel arrangements.
* Before each fight, athletes will be asked to show their valid form of photo identification(ID) to the officials. Make sure you have it on hand.
*This tournament is organized by the Asian Sport Jiu Jitsu Federation Inc. Association in partnership with the (Choi Won Choi Teams) & (Kinya Hashimoto, Jiu Jitsu NERD).
Name | Jamsil Arena |
Address : | Seoul 10 Jamsil-dong, Songpa-gu |
- We will not accept registrations after the registration end date
- The registration deadline can be closed before the registration end date if the number of fighters exceed the total number allowed
- * The money must arrive until the day specified otherwise the registration will be cancelled (The registration is considered completed only after the registration fee payment)
- Registration fee refund: only if there are no opponents in your category. There will be no refund in case of: disqualification, weight disqualification, you came late or not coming to the event
Rank | 1st Place | 2nd Place | 3rd Place |
ASJJF ASIAN NO-GI RANKING 2019 | 7.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 |
Age | Min / Max Age | Birth year | Belt |
JUVENILE | 16 ~ 17 | 2008 ~ 2009 | White , Blue , Purple |
Adult | 18 ~ 29 | 1996 ~ 2007 | White , Blue , Purple , Brown , Black |
MASTER 1 | 30 ~ 35 | 1990 ~ 1995 | White , Blue , Purple , Brown , Black |
MASTER 2 | 36 ~ 40 | 1985 ~ 1989 | White , Blue , Purple , Brown , Black |
Age | Min / Max Age | Birth year | Belt |
JUVENILE | 16 ~ 17 | 2008 ~ 2009 | White , Blue , Purple |
Adult | 18 ~ 29 | 1996 ~ 2007 | White , Blue , Purple , Brown , Black |
MASTER 1 | 30 ~ 35 | 1990 ~ 1995 | White , Blue , Purple , Brown , Black |
MALE | Female | |||
Adult, Master | JUVENILE | Adult, Master | JUVENILE | |
Rooster | ~56.0Kg | - | ~46.7Kg | ~45.8kg |
Light Feather | ~62.1Kg | ~52.6Kg | ~52.6Kg | ~50.3Kg |
Feather | ~68.0Kg | ~59.4Kg | ~59.4Kg | ~57.2Kg |
Light | ~74.2Kg | ~66.2Kg | ~66.2Kg | ~64.0Kg |
Middle | ~80.2Kg | ~73.0Kg | ~73.0Kg | ~70.8Kg |
Medium Heavy | ~86.2Kg | ~79.8Kg | ~80.3Kg | 70.8Kg~ |
Heavy | ~92.3Kg | ~86.6Kg | 80.3kg~ | - |
Super Heavy | ~98.4Kg | 86.6Kg~ | - | - |
Ultra Heavy | 98.4Kg~ | - | - | - |