Dates :
Event Date : Saturday, March 10, 2018
Registration Dates : Tuesday, December 26, 2017 ~ Saturday, March 3, 2018


Event Info


Please check your match and mat number in bracket, Also must check match start time too


08:00 am: Doors Open (会場入場時間 AM.08:00~)

# Weight in; before first mach


Division: Mat. 1,2,3,4,5

Short rules meeting  - AM.08:40~
mach number 01~10 - AM.09:00~
mach number 11~23 - AM.10:00~
Lunch time        AM. 11:15~

mach number 24~30 - PM.11:55~
mach number 3
1~40  - PM.12:40~
mach number 41~50  - PM.13:40~
mach number 51~60  - PM.14:40~

mach number 61~      - PM.15:40~

Warning to athletes.
All brackets have already been made, it will not be allowed to change or cancel the fights.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.



Cancel & Refund: only if not have opponent in your category,
Deadline to cancel registration is march 7th wednesday

-    Email your changes to

-    Please be sure to include the following-    

> Fighters name:

 > Registration number:

> Refund bank account: 




All category:
# Kids
# Juvenille
# Adult
# Master

Kids belt category:
white,gray,yellow,orange, (All belt fight together)


 Registration Dates:

Early registration:

January 01 - January 31 : Weight Category   1000 NTD
Weight Category & Open Weight   1300 NTD
Kids Category   800 NTD


Regular registration days:

February 01 - March 02:   Weight category    1400 NTD
                 Weight category & Open Weight   1700NTD
Kids Category   1000 NTD

Payment Methods:

Option 1:
By Paypal 
(please send email to payment  information)

Option 2:
SinoPac Bank (Taiwan)

  • Bank: SinoPac  (Taiwan)
  • Branch: Keelung branch
  • Account Number:118-018-0005390-9
  • Account Holder:中華巴西柔術協會
    • After payment of your registration fee,please send a scanned copy or photo of your transfer slip with your full name to:
  1. Registration deadline: March /02/2017
  2. Last day to correction: March /03/2017
  3. Registration checkday: March /03/2017
  4. Schedule release date: March /08/2017
  5. Brackets release date: March /08/2017


  1. Final Check Date (Important):

    March 03st  is the last day to check the registration. All athletes and instructors must check the fighters list.
    Those without oponents in your division must contact us for change of division
    The brackets will be generated following the list of registered fighters and the awards will be given only for those registered and on the brackets, so the check is obligatory for everyone

Final Date for checking and correction

-    March 03 is the last day to check your registration. All athletes, coaches and instructors are required to check the fighters list for any changes required.

-    If you have no opponent in your division, please contact us for a change of division or you automatically get a medal. No refunds will be made.

-    Fighters list is official and it will be used to generate the brackets so please be sure to check your details in the fighters list before the final deadline. The brackets will be generated based on the fighters list and awards will only be given to those who are listed in the brackets so please check accordingly.


Changes to your registration

-    Email your changes to

-    Please be sure to include the following

    > Fighters name

    > Tournament Name

    > Necessary Corrections   

-    Make sure the subject on the email is Corrections


Rules and Requirements for joining the event

-    All athletes must be affiliated with a black belt.Your head black belt can be in a different location/country, whats important is you and the team that you are representing is properly recognized by the head instructor.

-    We reserve the right to check your affiliation. Failure to provide any means to contact your head instructor will not be accepted into the event.

-    All athletes must bring a valid ID on the event day.

-    For competition rules, please check

-    All athletes must comply to the mall/venue policy:

    > Everyone is required to wear their slippers/sandals/shoes at all times except when going into the mats

    > No one allowed to walk around shirtless in the venue and especially outside the venue area. If you are done with your match, and would like to take your gi off, please remember to put on a shirt immediately.


Location :
Name Taipei Xin-Yi Sports Center 6F
Address : Taipei No 100, Songqin Street, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110
Registration Info :
  • We will not accept registrations after the registration end date
  • The registration deadline can be closed before the registration end date if the number of fighters exceed the total number allowed
Registration Fees :
  • * The money must arrive until the day specified otherwise the registration will be cancelled (The registration is considered completed only after the registration fee payment)
  • Registration fee refund: only if there are no opponents in your category. There will be no refund in case of: disqualification, weight disqualification, you came late or not coming to the event
Rank Points
Rank 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
*****ASJJF/SJJIF NO-GI ASIA RANKING 2018 7.0 3.0 1.0

Age Divisions
Division Age Birth Year
JUVENILE 16 ~ 17 2008 ~ 2009
Adult 18 ~ 29 1996 ~ 2007
Master 30 ~ ~ 1995
Belt Divisions
Age Belt
White Blue Purple Brown Black

MALE Female
Adult, Master JUVENILE Adult, Master JUVENILE
Rooster ~56.0Kg - - -
Light Feather ~62.0Kg ~52.2Kg ~52.6Kg ~50.5Kg
Feather ~68.0Kg ~59.4Kg ~59.4Kg ~57.2Kg
Light ~74.0Kg ~66.2Kg ~66.2Kg ~64.0Kg
Middle ~80.2Kg ~73.0Kg ~73.0Kg ~70.0Kg
Medium Heavy ~86.4Kg ~80.0Kg 73.0Kg~ 70.1Kg~
Heavy ~92.3Kg ~86.6Kg - -
Super Heavy ~98.4Kg 86.6Kg~ - -
Ultra Heavy 98.4Kg~ - - -
Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight