Rank not defined for this event
Dates :
Event Date : Sunday, August 9, 2015
Registration Dates : Friday, May 15, 2015 ~ Monday, August 3, 2015

ASJJF - Asian Sport Jiu Jitsu Federation

Event Info

08:20 am: Doors Open (会場入場時間 AM.08:20~)

*All Kids 09:00

*Purple Belt 09:30
*Brown Belt 09:30
*White belt 10:30

*Blue belt 11:30

*Open weight adult 14:00
*Open Weight Master 14:00




  1. Registration deadline: August/03/2015
  2. Last day to correction: August/04/2015 
  3. Registration checkday: August/04/2015
  4. Schedule release date: August/07/2015
  5. Brackets release date: August/07/2015


  1. Final Check Date (Important):

    August 04th is the last day to check the registration. All athletes and instructors must check the fighters list.
    Those without oponents in your division must contact us for change of division
    The brackets will be generated following the list of registered fighters and the awards will be given only for those registered and on the brackets, so the check is obligatory for everyone

    Changes to your registration:

    E-mail changes to asjjf2014@gmail.com 
    Please be sure to include the tournament name, your name, and the necessary changes in the email.
    The deadline for changes is  August 04th, no changes will be made after the deadline
    1.  080-3716-9767

    2. email: asjjf2014@gmail.com




Location :
Name Koza Budokan
Address : Okinawa Okinawa Koza Budokan, Okinawa City
Map :
URL : http://kozaspo.jp/budokanmn.html
Registration Info :
  • We will not accept registrations after the registration end date
  • The registration deadline can be closed before the registration end date if the number of fighters exceed the total number allowed
Registration Fees :
  • * The money must arrive until the day specified otherwise the registration will be cancelled (The registration is considered completed only after the registration fee payment)
  • Registration fee refund: only if there are no opponents in your category. There will be no refund in case of: disqualification, weight disqualification, you came late or not coming to the event
Age Divisions
Division Age Birth Year
Toddler 4 ~ 5 2020 ~ 2021
Kindergarten 6 ~ 7 2018 ~ 2019
Youth 8 ~ 9 2016 ~ 2017
Pre Teen 10 ~ 11 2014 ~ 2015
Junior Teen 12 ~ 13 2012 ~ 2013
Teen 14 ~ 15 2010 ~ 2011
JUVENILE 16 ~ 17 2008 ~ 2009
Adult 18 ~ 29 1996 ~ 2007
Master 30 ~ 35 1990 ~ 1995
Belt Divisions
Age Belt
Pre Teen
Junior Teen
White Grey Yellow Orange Green
White Blue Purple Brown Black

Adult Weight Divisions
MALE Female
Adult, Master JUVENILE Adult, Master JUVENILE
Rooster ~57.5Kg ~53.50Kg ~48.5Kg ~44.3Kg
Light Feather ~64.0Kg ~58.5Kg ~53.5Kg ~48.3Kg
Feather ~70.0Kg ~64.0Kg ~58.5Kg ~52.5Kg
Light ~76.0Kg ~69.0Kg ~64.0Kg ~56.5Kg
Middle ~82.3Kg ~74.0Kg ~69.0Kg ~60.5Kg
Medium Heavy ~88.3Kg ~79.3Kg ~74.0Kg ~65.0Kg
Heavy ~94.3Kg ~84.3Kg 74.0Kg~ ~69.0Kg
Super Heavy ~100.5Kg ~89.3Kg - ~73.0Kg
Ultra Heavy 100.5Kg~ 89.3Kg~ - 73.0Kg~
Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight Open Weight
Kids Weight Divisions
Male, Female
Toddler Kindergarten Youth Pre Teen Junior Teen Teen
Rooster ~16.7kg ~19.0kg ~20.5kg ~25.0kg ~31.7kg ~45.8kg
Feather ~20.5kg ~22.7kg ~24.0kg ~29.5kg ~36.2kg ~51.3kg
Light ~24.0kg ~26.3kg ~27.6kg ~34.0kg ~40.6kg ~56.7kg
Middle ~27.7kg ~30.0kg ~31.3kg ~38.6kg ~45.5kg ~62.2kg
Medium Heavy ~31.2kg ~33.5kg ~35.0kg ~43.0kg ~50.0kg ~67.5kg
Heavy +31.2kg +33.5kg ~38.5kg ~47.6kg ~54.5kg ~73.0kg
Super Heavy - - +38.5kg +47.6kg ~59.0kg +73.0kg
Ultra Heavy - - - - +59.0kg -